Your fitness wizard of the digital era

Grow your clientele, earn more revenue, reclaim your time


Do more of what you love


Reclaim your time. Never turn down another client


Build workouts, challenges, programs and send them to your clients seamlessly.


Increase your revenue with an additional stream of income so you can focus most on what matters.


Grow your brand and business. Adapt early and secure your place as a professional.

How it works

Sign Up

Sign up to know how to get the most out of Kratos. Download the app and get started.
(Available on iOS only).

Build Workouts

Get instant access to our library of A.I.-conducted exercises. Build a workout, add a personalized audio note and share it with your client.

Leverage Data

Get a zoomed-in understanding about your clients’ performance.


What videos can I access through the workout library?

To begin with, you can access our library of workouts created by certified professionals. We are in the process of building out a feature to allow fitness trainers to seamlessly record and use their own videos.

How will I get paid for my classes?

Kratos will pay you on a bi-weekly basis. You clients will pay for your services up front and we will wire it directly to your bank.

Why are there only 50 exercise in the library?

Every exercise is governed by a sophisticated AI that allows us to provide feedback. That being said, we’re committed to growing that list and will constantly update them with new exercises and functions.

Find out how Kratos can work for you!
